Living in Norway

Living in Norway

Service Centre for Foreign Workers, SUA

The Service Centre for Foreign Workers (SUA) is a centre where the Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet), the police (politiet), the Norwegian Tax Administration (Skatteetaten) and the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) work together to provide an efficient application process and guidance for foreigners who come to Norway to work.

There are five SUA service centres. Choose a city to see opening hours and locations: OSLO  –  STAVANGER  –  BERGEN  –  TRONDHEIM  –  KIRKENES

The SUA centre in Schweigaarsgate in Oslo is a one-stop-shop for :

  • Registration certificate (registreringsbevis) if you are citizen of an EU/EEA country 
  • Residence permit if you are from a country outside the EU/EEA
  • Residence card, as a proof of your residence permit
  • Tax deduction card (skattekort) and at the same time get a Norwegian identity number
  • Information about HSE-cards for employees in the construction industry and the cleaning sector
  • They can answer questions related to working conditions, for example on working hours and wage terms in Norway

For those who have an education or qualification from abroad and want to apply for recognition.

Webpage: Welcome to Norway - Ny i Norge

On this page, you will find official information from the Norwegian authorities that may be useful for those new in Norway.  New in Norway was published on 1 June 2023 and contains information for adults who have applied for or are going to apply for protection in Norway because of the war in Ukraine.

The website will be updated with information from additional official authorities about topics that are relevant for those who are new in Norway.  

Within 2023 and 2024, New in Norway will include information to all newly arrived refugees and immigrants in Norway. 

Emergency care 

If you have an accident or need urgent care and can't wait to see your GP, you can visit your nearest legevakt (emergency room). All municipalities in Norway have an emergency room that's open 24 hours a day. You should call 116 117 to get in touch with your local emergency room. 

If the situation is life-threatening, you should call 113 straight away.​

Coronavirus in Norway: Information in English

Gina Finsrud
Prosjektleder og rådgiver
Telefon 97 74 29 40