Home care

Home care

Unit home-based services include various areas; ambulatory home-based services (home care) and care homes for varying needs.

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Residential homes have a housing adapted to persons with disabilities. Several care homes have the opportunity to take home residents in need of clock time-limited follow-up on so-called Relief-or short-term spaces. Care homes have total 168 seats, 7 relief and short-term spaces and a guest apartment.
The unit has accommodation adapted for people with different needs for assistance and physical and / or mental retardation. There are 75 apartments with connections to the service apartment with personnel associated with each property.
Ambulatory home-based services provide care at home users and contribute so that many can stay at home despite illness and / or disability.

The unit's many talented employees - approx. 650 posts, interact to meet users' needs with expertise and services.

For more information, contact the municipality's switchboard: 69 17 45 00