Find a home

Find a home

This page will help you on your way to find a home. An overview of most of what you need to know about the housing market, renting or buying a property

Norway might be different than what you are used to about owning and buying property, financing a property purchase, renting property and regulations about renting a property.

Be aware that using a deposit account is mandatory when renting, a shared account that has strict regulations as to prevent any misuse between the tenant and the landlord. To open a deposit account you need a Norwegian electronic ID. To do so, please see here.

How to buy second hand furniture and goods in Norway? is where you can find, buy and sell “everything”.

Where to look? with ads for properties for rent in Østfold. You can change this to specifically Halden if you want to at the left-hand side below “Område --> Østfold --> Halden”. with ads for properties for sale in Østfold. You can change this to specifically Halden if you want to at the left-hand side below “Område --> Østfold --> Halden”. is also a Norway's largest marketplace for almost everything and anything.

Flats for students.

Tenant and tenancy rights

Oslo’s website for expats, “Welcome to Oslo”, has a great section “Tenancy agreements and contracts” for important details that you should do before finalizing a deal. There is also a section “Learn about your tenant rights” at the very bottom containing authoritative sources regarding tenant rights. This site is relevant wherever you live in Norway, not only in Oslo. 

You will also find information and details here at

Residence certification and permits

Sometimes a residence certification or a permit can be needed. Skatteetaten (The Norwegian tax administration) has a section about residence certificates. This is used to confirm your residential address in Norway. It could be used to for example update your address with Folkeregisteret, for employment reasons, or other procedures like healthcare services, etc. You will find it here in this link to Skatteetaten.

Here you can apply for a residence permit at Utlendingsdirektoratet (UDI) or the Norwegian police.

Home Insurance

There are two main types of insurance. One is “innboforsikring” which covers everything you own inside the house from theft, fire & natural damage, and unwanted pests. The other is “husforsikring” which covers damage to the house itself.

Forbrukerrådet is a Norwegian administrative body that is supposed to have the consumer’s best interest at heart. The link is a checklist before you choose insurance.

In the event that you would like to file a complaint to the insurance company that you have, please read this for further instructions. 

Fire safety and chimney sweeps

There is a lot you can do to reduce the fire hazards in your home. The most important thing is to have a smoke detector and fire extinguisher. Here you will find a lot of good tips and help. 


You can drink water from the tap in Norway. Halden is well known for a very high quality of the tap water. In case of irregularities in the water supply, you will receive an SMS with an alert. To receive this – and other alerts from the municipality and official emergercy alerts from the government – keep your mobile number updated in Altinn.

Waste sorting

Sorting waste can save lots of resources and protect both people and the environment. Sorting your rubbish well helps to ensure that hazardous substances are disposed of safely. This protects people and the environment. By separating different materials, most of them can also be recycled into new products.

Here you will find how we do it in Halden.


Electricity is the main heating source in Norwegian homes. It is not very common to have gas for heating or cooking in private homes. When you move into a new home, you will usually find that electricity have not been disconnected. You only have to transfer the account to your name. Electricity in Norway is 220 volts AC, 50Hz. The plugs are standard European, with two round plugs.

The price for electricity fluctuates during the year, with higher prices and consumption in the winter.